North American Herb and Spice Company

Make your health your priority with North American Herb and Spice Company products. Made from natural ingredients like cumin and chaga mushrooms, you can improve your health without compromise. At Betty's Natural Foods, we're proud to offer quality natural products to our customers.

Support your daily activities with high-quality natural supplements. North American Herb and Spice labs uses only ethically sourced ingredients extracted with gentle steam-based methods. They also take great care to remove alcohol and other unhealthy additives. North American Herb and Spice Company guarantees both gelatin-free and glycerin-free products.

All of their products meet Halal and Kosher requirements and are made from 100% organic ingredients. All products undergo stringent quality control to ensure supplement safety and efficacy. In this way, you can be sure you’re receiving reliable supplements that take care of your health.

North American Herb and Spice labs offers a variety of products. In addition to supplements and vitamins, the company offers all-natural cleansing solutions. Gentle on the environment and effective against dirt, North American Herb and Spice cleaning products redefine cleaning.

Trust North American Herb and Spice, whether you're looking for a drop to calm the kids or vitamin C. At Betty's Natural Foods, we offer lab-tested natural products. We're also a wellness center, offering massage therapy, foot reflexology and wellness consultations.

Do you have any questions about our products? Contact our team. Everyone is happy to answer your questions. See also our FAQ.

FAQ: about our North American Herb and Spice products

Do dietary supplements contain alcohol?

No, the North American Herb and Spice labs remove all traces of alcohol, glycerine and gelatin from its products.

Can I take supplements and vitamins with my medication?

Consult your doctor or healthcare professional to determine if you can take supplements.

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North American Herb & Spice Company

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